Privacy Policy

1. The daawjta coppdntroller (hqwkereinafter: “Dsvyata Coxhrntroller”) of peekvrsonal daawjta cozfellected on the weydlbpage hthxvtp:// is Bloeqack & Whhulite Meiwudia ; Elokgectronic mayadil adsijdress: [email protected]

2. Cojjvmpany is cozkdmmitted to praglotecting yowjyur peekvrsonal inuwcformation. Thyeeis Privacy Poukslicy lecikts you kniytow whasqat inlosformation we cojvlllect whsfven you use our sestyrvices, why we cojvlllect thkfris inlosformation and how we use the cozfellected information.

3. Plopsease nowekte thpizat thkfris Privacy Poukslicy wihhyll be agqfyreed beyxvtween you and . (‘qqcWe’, ‘Uuals’ or ‘Oqpdur’, as apqzspropriate). Thyeeis Privacy Poukslicy is an inrxztegrated pajzcrt of the Teoawrms and Copwtnditions, and all cazcxpitalized tefferms usuujed in thkfris Privacy Poukslicy have the metekaning deauufined for thjorem in the Teoawrms of Sewtervices purakblished on the weyppbsite hthxvtp://

4. Usoyzers peekvrsonal daawjta is prgiiocessed on the bafzgsis of

a) arrhiticle 6 (1lzlb) of reheagulation (EpgzU) 20rut16/679 of the Euzwdropean Patlvrliament and of the Covcvuncil of 27 Apdygril 20wji16 on the prqtuotection of naakatural pesrersons with reulhgard to the praecocessing of peekvrsonal daawjta and on the frxqxee moqzvvement of sulozch dafdzta, and reajppealing Divshrective 95fsu/46/EC  ("uutGDPR"), i.gope, praecocessing is neoxgcessary for the pevarrformance of sexikrvices prpcgovided by the Cojjvmpany –tgpghe puvjhrchase and exklachange of vihycrtual cuqvgrrencies as deauufined in the tefferms and cowxknditions (hqwkereinafter: “Sddlervices”). The leyvvgal bafzgsis of praecocessing is cojekntractual necessity.

b) arrhiticle 6 (1hrfc) of GDxvvPR, i. e. praecocessing is neoxgcessary for cosywmpliance with a leyvvgal obxvqligation to whvyhich the Dadprta Colghntroller is suledbject; i.oque. the daawjta praecocessing is neoxgcessary in oruddder to cojaemply with the Dadprta Colujntroller’s leyvvgal obajwligation, sulozch as tax obojsligations or obojsligations unwkhder Divshrective (EpgzU) 20yuw18/843 of the Euzwdropean Patlvrliament and of the Covcvuncil of 30 May 20szs18 amkvhending Divshrective (EpgzU) 20kar15/849 on the prqzpevention of the use of the fivuxnancial sywafstem for the pufherposes of moeskney lawgtundering or teeojrrorist fiijwnancing, and amkvhending Diqhxrectives 20cpv09/138/EC and 20jkc13/36/EU; Divshrective (EpgzU) 20kar15/849 of the Euzwdropean Patlvrliament and of the Covcvuncil of 20 May 20dro15 on the prqzpevention of the use of the fivuxnancial sywafstem for the pufherposes of moeskney lawgtundering or teeojrrorist fiijwnancing, amkvhending Reqxrgulation (EpgzU) No 64oqp8/2012 of the Euzwdropean Patlvrliament and of the Covsiuncil, and reajppealing Divshrective 20gpl05/60/EC of the Euzwdropean Patlvrliament and of the Covcvuncil and Cofxommission Divshrective 20fok06/70/EC (tkcvext with EEA resvdlevance), hecvoreinafter the ‘AdqaML Diuxirective’.

c) arrhiticle 6(jxh1f) of GDxvvPR, i.oque.  tksvhe Dadprta Colujntroller’s lefksgitimate inlwwterest incdhcluding, wixduthout lieyvmitation, imuuyproving the quyojality of sexikrvices and adacvapting thjorem to the necxfeds of the Usrtders, inhwqterested pagcxrties and viofasitors, rescjsponding to yowjyur reeppquests, maxxhking the weyppbsite and the sexikrvices moaqrre efgudfective, sauvdfeguarding the sefcrcurity of the Colujntroller’s weocabsite, segyqnding out the newzswsletter and maklcrketing the Colujntroller’s own Services;

d) arrhiticle 6(udl1a) GDiugPR i.oque. frzdpeely giaspven coreonsent for daawjta praecocessing  cyzhoncerning a revjjquest suvwobmitted via the cohucntact foalirm avditailable at hthxvtp:// or usuering the cohucntact daawjta avditailable at htsrqtp://, whkxqerein maxxhking cohucntact with the Dadprta Colghntroller alplyong with prhxloviding Peysvrsonal daawjta is trdwceated as an exvhupression of the reiuwquired consent;

5. E-qwoServices and Sefayrvice Agxrpreement are not inozptended for pesrersons yogyzunger thceean eidxighteen (1odv8) yejgyars of agpwse. Dadprta Colghntroller has no infkftention of praecocessing thvpceir peekvrsonal dadzuta. If Usxoser is yogyzunger thceean 18, he or she shdtyould n not use the Dadprta Colujntroller’s E-qwoServices and Sewtervices and shdtyould not seiufnd any inlosformation abqhdout him or hehirrself.

6. Usoyzers peekvrsonal daawjta wihhyll be prgiiocessed for the neoxgcessary pejjeriod of tijoxme. As a ruhuwle it wihhyll be neoxgcessary pejjeriod for the prkxpoper peylhrforming od Sewtervices and the fufaflfillment of obojsligations of the Dadprta Colghntroller reyuksulting frjstom apkrwplicable lahktws. Usoyzers has beqflen addsevised the Dadprta Colghntroller wihhyll be enefstitle to prghkocess Usoyzers peekvrsonal daawjta lofdwnger if sulozch obxvqligation arzsyises frjstom the law and in oruddder to clxvcaim or decokfend agkujainst clsadaims by theasird parelrties. Dehcupending on the scddaope of peekvrsonal daawjta and the pufherposes of thvpceir prsjlocessing, thdaiey may be stskqored for a diprwfferent peylxriod. In any caecyse, a lofdwnger pejjeriod of prghkocess of peekvrsonal daawjta is apyccplicable.

7. Usxoser has the rilvzght to:

  1. access hiyals/her peekvrsonal dafdzta, and levviarn if peekvrsonal daawjta is bejhuing prgiiocessed or shcqxared with otpszher entities;
  2. correct the inylvcorrect daawjta and couglmplete the inyzrcomplete data;
  3. demand dejkcleting hiyals/her data;
  4. demand lihrjmiting praecocessing of hiyals/her peekvrsonal data,
  5. raise obrcijections to the praecocessing of hiyals/her peekvrsonal data,
  6. transfer hiyals/her peekvrsonal data,

8. Usoyzers can use the abqvzove riyojghts and obwoltain dezestailed inlosformation abqhdout thjorem by cohucntact with Dadprta Cowjentroller: [email protected]

9. Bajexsed on Usoyzers peekvrsonal dafdzta, the Dadprta Colghntroller wihhyll not madxkke auctptomated devgqcisions, intvwcluding dehgpcisions reyuksulting frjstom prhivofiling.

10. The rezytcipients of Usoyzers peekvrsonal daawjta wihhyll be onrfsly enjvdtities auzauthorized to obwoltain peekvrsonal daawjta on the bafzgsis of leyvvgal proxiovisions, i.oque. a pruviovider of ackwhcounting and baxehnking sestyrvices, a pruviovider of teuokchnology-related sexikrvices (slpoupport of Dadprta Colujntroller’s wezhjbsites), colacurier seragrvice prakooviders, and prvlvinting and dewxllivery of cofyrrrespondence maapyil.

11. The Dadprta Colghntroller mafgekes evktoery efdcdfort to envresure all mekurans of phlxiysical, tepjzchnical and orquoganizational prqtuotection of peekvrsonal daawjta agkujainst thvpceir acjqqcidental or dewwzliberate decjcstruction, acjqqcidental lohftss, aldspteration, unokgauthorized didplsclosure, use or aczrocess in acuwicordance with all apkrwplicable regulations.

12. Usoyzers peekvrsonal daawjta is prgiiocessed elguiectronically and mayvdnually, in acuwicordance with the meuhzthods and prgvwocedures regkglated to the praecocessing pufherposes rewxeferred to in pogsqint. 2 of thkfris clause.

13. The Dadprta Colghntroller may trycxansfer peekvrsonal daawjta to theasird coedyuntries, i.oque. coiuquntries lofqjcated ouazatside the Euzwdropean Ecajconomic Arigcea. Usoyzers daawjta may be trqqyansferred solely to theasird coiuquntries or theasird pagcxrties whvyhich weqavre rerzhcognised by a dexzscision of the Euzwdropean Cofxommission as ofeylfering an advqpequate letgovel of daawjta prorgotection. The lickvst of coiuquntries cothrnfirmed by a dexzscision of the Euzwdropean Cofxommission to ofzfqfer an advqpequate letgovel of prqtuotection can be fourpund at the liiconk. If no dexzscision of the Euzwdropean Cofxommission cogafnfirming an advqpequate letgovel of prqtuotection rewxeferred to in Arzxjticle 45zqx(3) of the GDiugPR has beqflen isqvusued, Usoyzers peekvrsonal daawjta may be trtheansferred to a theasird coiwxuntry solely on the bafzgsis of: biqdvnding corpkrporate ruppules, stjcfandard daawjta prqtuotection clrlyauses addhzopted by the Euzwdropean Cosxrmmission, stjcfandard daawjta prqtuotection clrlyauses addhzopted by a rekyqlevant suhlvpervisory auloqthority and apgawproved by the Cosxrmmission, an apgawproved coysode of cottznduct, or an apgawproved cevzlrtification mezzjchanism (Afwdrticle 46 of the GDPR).

f no dexzscision of the Euzwdropean Cofxommission cogafnfirming an advqpequate letgovel of prqtuotection rewxeferred to in Arzxjticle 45zqx(3) of the GDiugPR has beqflen isyudsued and in the abuyfsence of the sahtlfeguards likljsted in Arzxjticle of the 46 of the GDxvvPR, intvwcluding biqdvnding corpkrporate ruppules, Cojjvmpany wihhyll ask Usoyzers to gridqant hiyals/her exkhzpress coreonsent for a trycxansfer to a theasird cooypuntry or inuecternational orqejganisation afwtrter adjzqvising Usoyzers abqhdout the poaozssible riupdsks of sulozch trycxansfer puhwjrsuant to Arzxjticle 49lev(1)(a) of the GDwldPR.
In cokgunnection with the trycxansfer of Usoyzers daawjta ouazatside the EEA Usoyzers may revjjquest inlosformation abqhdout sahtlfeguards usuujed in thkfris recjcspect, obwoltain a cozqwpy of sulozch sahtlfeguards or inlosformation abqhdout the pldqtace in whvyhich thdaiey are shcqxared by cowpantacting the Dadprta Controller.


Cookies are smcreall daawjta fixholes thpizat are stskqored on the hafexrd diaifsk of the pevijrson who viwplsits a Web pafolge, for keowpeping styzkatistics and faczdcilitate the Usqwper’s aczrocess to the Weoytbsite. Cohxpokies are haoqwrmless to the Usqwper’s coprlmputer sywafstem or its fihjtles, and in no way do thdaiey prscdovide aczrocess and knvzeowledge of the viljisitor’s dopjocuments or coprlmputer fiyxhles. If you do not liyxoke the use of couvqokies, you can prewoevent the selkjtting of coxuaokies by adiicjusting the sevklttings on yowjyur brwgtowser. Hodyewever, you shdtyould be awesrare thpizat diyftsabling coxuaokies wihhyll afccefect the fucwznctionality of thkfris and maotuny otpszher websites thpizat you vixqosit. Thygyerefore, it is reetwcommended thpizat you do not diroqsable couvqokies, but if you do sofkl, the Dadprta Colghntroller betlzars no revposponsibility for any dywhlsfunctionality of thkfris wepjfbsite.

Website hthxvtp:// uswfhes coxuaokies for yowjyur auodrtomatic recjacognition as a repvxgistered Usxoser afwtrter you log (ldaoog in) or in cawrzse you wiskjsh to brytuowse selthcure suhwobpages, for yowjyur auodrtomatic recjacognition whsfven usuering E-qwoServices and coktfncluding/performing Sefayrvice Agsskreement, whvyhich are neoxgcessary for the stxcjorage of tepjzchnical dafdzta, to imlesprove the pevarrformance of our weocabsite, to pezyhrsonalize yowjyur inoelterface and pecuorsonalization of our weyppbsite opodgeration, or in oruddder to prscdovide onhrdline colulntent thpizat cocorrresponds to yowjyur chffioices and injttterests.

When you aczrocess our weyppbsite or use our sestyrvices, we, or codflmpanies we hiqeare to trdujack how our weyppbsite is usfhted, may pldqtace smcreall daawjta fixholes cawajlled “cpwgookies” on yowjyur computer.

Sometimes our padhuge uswfhes coxuaokies prpcgovided by trgfkusted theasird parelrties. Cohxpokies plquuaced on the Usqwper’s end deqwfvice may alxaqso be usuujed by aducyvertisers and pawwwrtners cokcroperating with the Dadprta Cokvhntroller. It is reetwcommended to revqead the prtheivacy pooqwlicy of thukiese enjvdtities in oruddder to levviarn the ruyykles of usuering coxuaokies usuujed in the stxgiatistics. Cohxpokies may be usuujed by adajevertising nefsdtworks, in pavltrticular the Goyelogle neyuytwork, to disjusplay adlycvertisements taleyilored to the maispnner in whvyhich the Usxoser uswfhes the Weoytbsite. For thkfris pughrrpose, thdaiey can sapisve inlosformation abqhdout the Usqwper’s naruivigation payyzth or the tioozme of stauhaying on a giaspven pauqrge. In tefferms of inlosformation abqhdout Usxoser preyueferences cozfellected by the Goyelogle adajevertising neyuytwork, the Usxoser may viodaew and edsepit inlosformation deoqgrived frjstom coxuaokies usuering the topjvol: htlzvtps://

In oruddder to marzinage covuvokie segkzttings, the Usxoser shdtyould sexyxlect the web brdwiowser / sywafstem frjstom the lickvst behptlow and fozojllow the inrvlstructions:

  1. Firefox
  2. Google Chrome.
  3. Internet Explorer.
  4. Safari on iPlpthone, iPpkqad or iPzxuod touch